Declutter your marketing mind

Become the best marketer for your business and boost your growth with Mindful Marketing

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Discover the Power of Mindful Marketing

Mindful marketing is the process of clearing your mind and finding a better focus so you can create the right marketing content and materials for your business.

Marketing mindfully means creating synergy between your brand voice and your customer's wants and needs. Imagine having the ability to be fully aware of the right marketing tasks for your business right now. Here’s what being a mindful marketer helps you do:

Clear their minds

Clear your
marketing mind

Unblock stuck emotions

Unblock your
marketing fears

Increase energy

Increase your
marketing results

Release tension

Release your
marketing stress

As a mindful marketer, you can achieve so much more

When you explore mindful marketing training and coaching, you’ll discover new ways to promote yourself. You’ll uncover writing techniques that make boosting your image a breeze. You’ll unlock your marketing mind and find complete clarity for you, your business and your future so you can:

  • Create marketing content faster
  • Increase engagement
  • Boost your visibility
  • Feel more confident
  • Have the tools you need to succeed

Our video courses

Join the Mindful Marketing movement today

And you’ll get access to Bob and other business growth leaders to help you take your business to the next level

About me

Meet your mindful marketing coach

Victoria Adams
Bob Taylor

Bob is known for his ability to use the right words to evoke powerful emotions in your customers so they want to buy your offers. His mission is to help business owners across the globe declutter their marketing minds and break through the noise by providing tools that empower business owners to ignite their dreams, unleash their marketing potential and promote their business better.

quotSee what others have to say


Easy, affordable and pure genius

The Copy Coaching Program is pure genius. It was so easy, affordable and gave me confidence. Bob you are brilliant!!

Monica Henderson

Business owner


Beyond anything I imagined

Responsive, thoughtful and professional. His writing is impeccable and the result was way beyond anything I imagined.

Jared O'Brien

Affiliate Marketer

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+44 1202 287 245

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CopyBean, 124 City Road, London

EC1V 2NX, United Kingdom

Frequently Ask Questions

Here you can find the answers to the most frequently asked questions

Do I need to be advanced Yoga Coach?

Of course, not. Whether you’re a yoga teacher or practitioner, you will develop many of the skills you need to be an excellent yoga coach.

I’m interested in yoga coaching. Where do I start?

We recommend checking out Yoga Coaching articles.

Do you have an affiliate program?

We do not have an affiliate or referral program, but we always appreciate you sharing with others who you think would benefit from our work.

How can I sign up for your email list?

To sign up for our email updates, enter your email address in the box that pops up when you click here. Once you hit the submit button, you’ll be added to the list.

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